These tips will remove the tingling in the teeth

These tips will remove the tingling in the teeth

These tips will remove the tingling in the teeth

Time has changed and with changing times, the lifestyle of people is also changing.People now eat more things like high acid, it can cause damage to the enamel Which later turns into the sensitivity of teeth.Some people use hard-fibrous toothbrushes, which also weaken the gums.One in every three feels sensitivity in Indian teeth When he eats some cold.But only 20 percent of people with sensitivity treat it.

Usually when people have sensitivity in their teeth,So in their mind it does not show how to remove it.Instead, they stop eating such things, from which they have sensitivity.In such a way, he can not live up to the precious moments of his life.Due to sensitivity, they change their lifestyle.They do not eat their favorite food, make a distance from their favorite drink.This affects both their personal and social life.They feel hesitant and their confidence decreases.

Sensodyne toothpaste is running a campaign for the last six months to restore the confidence of the same people troubled by sensitivity. People's teeth are being examined in the airport, malls and elsewhere.Through this campaign, thousands of people have come to know about the problems of their teeth. Also, through this campaign, people are also being told that sensitivity is a common problem, which can be overcome by the use of Sensodyne.This has proved to be the result of TNS research done by some people in the year 2016 That Sensodyne is quite effective in removing sensitivity.Sensodyne fixes the sensitive teeth and gives you the chance to live openly.

Actually, there can be many causes of sensitivity in the teeth.The main reason is weakening of the enamel.dentine is the intrinsic part of a tooth Which is covered with an enamel.When it takes food and drink,Feeling pain and tingling Which goes up to the root.Enamel becomes thin, continuous breakdown of teeth.From the exit of the enamel, the element covering the roots also removes.This opens the dentin, which has small veins inside the tooth.Now there is pain due to the different food temperatures.

Cavity and rash of teeth reach the roots of the nerves.It starts weakening the gums. If the problem increases, then the teeth can break.Dentine opens up with loose gums and then teeth begin to be sensitized.On the other hand, hard-fibrous toothbrushes also weaken the gums.If you eat such things for long periods of high acid such as processed food, then it can cause damage to your enamel, which later turns into tooth sensitivity.

If your teeth are sensitized and eat some cold or hot foods have sharp tingling in the teeth,So share your problem with us on this World Oral Health Day.Senseodyine World Oral Health Day Contest Brings.To participate in this Contest, you have to share a photo on Twitter, with a hashtag, to show what is the reason for your sensitivity.We want to know the reason for the sensitivity of people's teeth. Whether the cause of sensitivity is the ice cream taken from the neighborhood shop or because of the rasam created by the mother's hands. Anyone who has sensitivity, everyone can get rid of sensitivities, just need to take action against it.

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