What is CDN and why it is necessary for the blog
Today in this article we will tell you What is CDN and why it is necessary for the blog. CDN plays an important role to speed up website loading speed . Google also uses loading speed as a ranking factor . What is CDN and how CDN works CDN full form is Content Delivery Network that improves website loading speed. Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of many servers, which serves your website contents based on user's Geographical Location. In simple words, when a user accesses your blog or website, it comes to your blog via the CDN server. Suppose that you are using Bluehost web hosting which is an Indian server and when a user visits your website, then he passes through the Bluehost server, Now if your website has High Traffic site, then your server gets overloaded, and your website will be slow down or server will crash. In this situation, CDN server handles your website and creates a Static page of your site. Now when a user visits your website, then CDN serve the static f...