Basil leaves is rich with healthy properties

Basil leaves is rich with healthy properties

benefits of basil leaves

There are many medicinal properties in Basil. Heart disease or Cold and cough, Basil is being used in India for centuries. And what are the basil qualities, let's put a look.

Beneficial in Cold and cough

When the Cold and cough becomes, boil leaves of basil in tea get relief from drinking.Basil works well in reducing fever.basil is used to make almost all cough syrup.Basil leaves help to clean the cough.Chewing soft leaves of basil gives relief from cough.

Sore throat

When the Cold and cough becomes, boil leaves of basil in tea get relief from drinking.You can also use this water for gargling.Basil is very beneficial in common problems like fever, cough and vomiting in children.

Breathing problem

Basil is very useful in treating respiratory problems.Drinks made by mixing honey, ginger and basil gives relief in bronchitis, asthma, cough and cold.The decoction made from salt, cloves and basil leaves gives instant relief to the influenza.

Kidney stone

Basil strengthens the kidney.If someone has a kidney stones Then mix it with honey and use basil regularly.There will be a difference in six months.

heart disease

Basil reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. In such a case it is very effective for cardiovascular patients.


Basil leaves also contain tension resistant properties.Recent research has shown that Basil protects from Tension.To keep the stress away from yourself, Any person can eat 12 leaves of Basil twice daily.

Infection and skin diseases

Basil leaves prove beneficial in ulcers and other infections of the mouth.Chewing some leaves of Basil daily removes the infection of the mouth.By applying basil extracts on the affected area - itching and other skin problems,In a few days the disease is removed.

Bad breath

Mixing basil leaves dry with mustard oil and cleanses the teeth.It also works very well in the problem of pyria.Basil works as a good medicine in the headache.Drink basil decoction gives relief in headache.Basil extracts in eye irritation are very effective.


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