How to Create a Blog on WordPress Step by Step Guide for Beginners

Creating a blog on WordPress is not a difficult task. On this, you can create your own blog in minutes without any coding knowledge. Today in this article we will tell you how to create a WordPress blog?

What is necessary to create a WordPress blog

  1. A domain name - it is the most important part when you create WordPress blog. It is the name of your website on the internet like

  2. Web hosting - Here your files are stored.

How much is the cost to start a WordPress blog

WordPress is completely free to create a WordPress website or blog but you have to arrange your own domain name and Web hosting, on which you have to spend money.

However, we recommend starting a blog on Bluehost because on this you can create a fully functional blog within 100$ and also officially recommended by WordPress. In addition, Bluehost offers unlimited bandwidth, unlimited storage, premium support (24/7 support via phone, email or live chat) and a free Domain name for one Year.

Please read this article before going to the next step,

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

First, log in to your Bluehost Hosting account then click the "Manage Orders> List/Search Orders" button.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

Then click on the website's Domain name.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

After that click on "Manage Web Hosting" button.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

Now, your Bluehost cPanel will open, scroll down to the Softaculous installer and click on "Softaculous app installer".

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

In the next step, select WordPress, then click on the "Install Now" button, you can see it in the screenshot below.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

Now choose a domain name from the drop-down menu, on which you want to install WordPress. You can see in the screenshot below.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

If you want your domain name URL with www, you can select it from the Drop-down menu. Now scroll down and click on the "install" button.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

The WordPress installation process will start, the entire process will take approximately 1 minute. After completing the process, you will see a successful message. The Login and Password information will be sent to the registered email address.

Congratulation! You have successfully created your first WordPress blog.

Now, you can go to the WordPress login page and enter your username and password to login your WordPress blog. Your login URL will look like this:

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

Now you have to choose a simple and professional theme for your WordPress blog.

How to Install WordPress Theme

When you create a new blog, the default theme is already installed on your site. You can change it easily. Simply, click on  Appearance >> Themes >> Add New.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

Here I searched for Hueman theme in the search box, now you can see the theme in Search Result. After that click on the Install button, WordPress theme installation will start and you will see a success message with Activate link.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

Now, click on the Activate button, you have successfully installed and activated your new WordPress theme on your site. Also, check out 3 different way to install WordPress theme.

Delete Default Post, Page and Comment

When we create WordPress blog, we get a demo post,  page, and comment on our WordPress site and these contents are not useful. So, simply log in to your WordPress dashboard and click on Posts >> All Posts then delete the default “Hello world” post.

Repeat the same process for deleting post and comment.

Set your Timezone

Click on Settings >> General to set the timezone for your WordPress blog. Set your blog’s time zone according to your local time so that when you schedule a post, they will be live according to your local time.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

Furthermore, you can change your blog title and tagline from this settings page and also set your admin email address.

Set up WordPress Permalinks

WordPress Default Permalinks structure is not SEO friendly. You can see the example below.


This permalink is short but not the search engine friendly. So click on Settings >> Permalinks and select Post Name then Click on Save Changes button.

Updating WordPress Ping List

However, WordPress gives popular ping service.  But also you can add more ping services to this list and notify them by updating your blog post. To update ping service go to Settings >> Writing and scroll to update service section then add your ping service.

How to install WordPress plugins

The plugin works on your site as an app that allows you to add extra features. Simply, click on  Plugins >> Add New, then write the name of the WordPress plugins in the search box at the top right, now you can see the plugin in Search Result. Here I searched for W3 Total Cache plugin.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

Now, click on Install Now then click on Activate Button.

How to Create WordPress blog Step by Step Guide

You have successfully installed the plugin on your site. Now you can configure it by going to the settings page of the plugin. Also, check out 3 different ways to install WordPress plugins.

Like how to create a WordPress blog? Don't forget to share it!


  1. i done every thing as you said but i cant login to my


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