on Page SEO Techniques: To Get Higher Search Engine Ranking

You have read many articles on the internet about on Page SEO Techniques. On Page Optimization is a process in SEO by which you can optimize your content for a higher search engine ranking.

In this on Page SEO optimization techniques, we will share some best On Page SEO Factors that will help to increase your blog traffic.

on Page SEO Techniques: Best SEO Practices 2017

So let's know about the Best Page SEO Techniques that can get more search engine traffic for your content.

1. Use SEO Friendly URLs

Google only crawls 3-5 words from the beginning of the URL. So make your URLs short and search engine friendly. As well as use the target keyword in your URLs.

Always avoid such URLs:

http://justbrightme.com/p=123 or long URLs: http://justbrightme.com/5/10/17/category=SEO/of-page-seo-best-web-optimization

You can see an example of SEO Friendly URL:


2. Using Keyword in Title

This is the most important factor in on Page Optimization Techniques. Always try to keep your keyword at the beginning of the title. Sometimes it may happen that you have trouble keeping it in the beginning, then keep it in the middle of your title.

3. Use Attractive Words

Use Attractive Words like "Best", "2017", "guide", and "review,". By using this word you can rank for your target keyword.

4. Use H1 Tag in Blog Post

H1 tag is the "Headline tag" of your blog post. Most WordPress themes do not use the H1 tag. So before using it in your blog post, check that H1 tag is not used in your WordPress theme.

5. Use H2 Tags

Add your target keyword at least once in the H2 tag. According to on Page SEO techniques, please keep one thing in mind that do not use H2 tag more than once in your blog post.

6. Write Content With Infographics

You can not get more Visitor from writing content only. With this, you will also need to use images and videos so that visitors spend more time on your blog post. So that decrease your site Bounce rates.

7. Use Keyword in 100 Words of Beginning

Your keyword should be used in 100-150 words from the beginning of your article. This keyword optimization helps your article to get higher ranking in search engines.

8. Use Responsive Design

Google penalizes sites that are not mobile friendly. Therefore, to avoid Google penalizing, make your site mobile friendly.

9. Use internal links

If you do internal linking in your post, the visitor will spend more time on your site and your site's Bounce rate will also decrease. As well as Google will consider that your blog post is a quality post.

11. Loading time of site

Google has clear that Google search engine ranking will increase those site that is loading faster in search engines. So, use CDN, image optimizer, and fast Web hosting to improve your site's loading time.

At first, make sure that your website page speed is not more than 4 seconds because it can be a Negative point for your site with the view of website search engine optimization.

You can easily see your web page loading speed using GTMetrix, Pingdom or PageSpeed Insights.

12. Image Optimization

There are many bloggers that do not use the target keyword in ALT Tag in their image file, which is against of on Page SEO factors, according to on Page SEO recommendations, You should use the target keyword in your image file name.

13. Post Length

According to on page optimization techniques your post length is the most important factor to improve google ranking for your site. But, to increase the length of your post, do not start frivolous things in your article, and if you do so, your post will never able to get Google search engine ranking. So always write quality content with a long post.

14. Write Quality Content

You should write quality content so that people are interested in reading.

If you are trying to get Google ranking by low-quality content, you will fail. Google does not provide the ranking to low-quality content. Ask your readers' questions and what they want to read, then try writing on that topic.

If you are unable to write attractive content, people will not spend much time on your blog, your bounce rate will increase, and your website ranking will decrease.

So these were some of the best "perfect on Page SEO techniques". By which you can improve search engine ranking of your site.

You can comment on any questions or suggestions related to this on Page SEO Techniques. If you like this on Page SEO strategies, please do not forget to share it on Twitter, Google+ and facebook....!


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