How to Display Estimated Reading Time in WordPress Posts

Do you want to add estimated reading time in your WordPress posts? Estimated reading time shows user engagement and loyalty on your blog. Today in this article we will guide how to easily add estimated post reading time in WordPress.

How to Display Estimated Reading Time in WordPress Posts

There are many plugins available in the WordPress repository to show the estimated reading time in WordPress posts. But here we will use Reading Time WP. It easily adds estimated reading time to your WordPress posts.

So, let's start...

First, install and activate Reading Time WP plugin in your WordPress site.  After activating plugin will automatically add the reading time to the beginning of your post. To configure it, click on Settings >> Reading Time WP.

How to Display Estimated Post Reading Time in Your WordPress Posts

Here you can select text label for reading time and minutes that will appear in your post. You can also edit the average reading speed. By default, plugin calculates comes with 300 words per minute reading speed.

If you do not want to show reading time automatically in the post, then uncheck Insert Reading Time before content and Insert Reading Time before excerpt options. To manually add an estimated reading time to your post, you can use its shortcode.

After completing the setting click on Update Options. Now you can visit your website to check the Estimated Post Reading Time to your blog posts.

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