WP Disable Plugin Settings 2018

WP Disable is a great plugin that reduces high CPU usage on your WordPress site and improves performance by disabling Emojis, Gravatars, Embeds, Remove query strings and many more.

One of our users asked how to reduce high CPU usage and bloat from a WordPress site.

If you are also facing this problem and want to reduce high CPU usage and WordPress bloat, then You are in the right place.

In this tutorial, I'm going to share WP Disable Plugin Best Settings which will help to get rid of high CPU usage and improve website loading speed.

Why Should Use WP Disable Plugin

Using WP Disable plugin, you can remove excess bloat that consumes high CPU usage and slow down your site. Apart from this, this plugin allows you to control Heartbeat. If you are using any type of plugin for Heartbeat on your site, then delete it and just use this.

Benefits of using the WP Disable plugin

  • Reduce HTTP requests

  • Disable Emojis, Gravatars, Embeds

  • Remove query strings from static resource

  • Disable trackbacks and pingbacks

  • Disable all comments and more

  • Disable XML-RPC

  • Heartbeat Control

  • SpeedUp WooCommerce

  • Remove Windows Live Writer tag

  • Remove Shortlink Tag

  • Remove WP API from header

  • and many more features

WP Disable Plugin Settings 2018

First, install and activate the WP Disable (Reduce HTTP Requests, Disable Emojis & Disable Embeds, Speedup WooCommerce) plugin in your site and disable everything you don’t use.

Once activated this plugin will add the Optimisation.io menu item to your WordPress dashboard.

Now click on Optimisation.io. This will take you to the settings page of the plugin.

Here are WP Disable Plugin settings,

WP Disable Plugin Settings

WP Disable Plugin Settings

WP Disable Plugin Settings

WP Disable Plugin Settings

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