13 Best Free Favicon Generator Online

Favicon is the little icons that appear in the address bar of the visitor's browser. Apart from this, when a visitor bookmarks your site, this favicon appears. Below you can see an example of favicon which is used on JustBrightMe.

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

The most common sizes for favicons are 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128. 

In this tutorial, I am going to share some great favicon generator website that helps you create a beautiful favicon online.

Favicon is a small detail can make a big difference. if you add it to your site, then makes your site more professional and credible.

Best Favicon Generators

Here are the best free favicon generator online websites that you can use…

#1. Favicon.io

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

This is the ultimate favicon generator website that creates well design favicon from text, from an image, or from an emoji. With Favicon.io, you can generate a favicon in a few simple clicks.

I use Favicon.io to create a favicon for all my websites and this is my favourite tool. Its best thing, you can make favicon with letters which are not available in any other favicon generators.

#2. DeGraeve Favicon

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

DeGraeve Favicon is another popular favicon generator online tool that creates a beautiful favicon for your site. Simply upload your image or logo and select the part you want to create a favicon.

#3. Logaster

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

Logaster is a very popular company for creating different types of logos. To make a favicon, first of all, you have to make a logo. Once your logo is ready, you can create favicons based on the logo.

#4. Genfavicon

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

Genfavicon converts your selected image or logo into a favicon. Just upload your image and drag the square box, the part you want to convert to favicon. Also, you can select the size for your favicon. Once everything is set and ready, click on download.

#5. Favicon-Generator

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

Favicon-generator makes favicon icons for the Web, Android, Microsoft, and iOS apps. Just upload your image and hit on create favicon then download your file.

#6. RealFaviconGenerator

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

Real Favicon Generator allows you to create favicon for every platform. upload a picture (PNG, JPG, SVG etc) and generate your favicon. In addition, you can check your current favicon with the real favicon generator. Just enter your site's URL.

#7. Favicongenerator

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

Favicongenerator tool allows you to make favicons for free. You can also select the size of favicon. Upload your image (PNG, JPEG, JPG, GIF) then click on Create Favicon and download your new favicon file.

#8. Favicomatic

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

Favic-o-Matic is also a very good tool that allows you to upload the image and create favicon. It has advanced option where you can select size, preset, and enter your site's title and URL.

#9. Favikon

Favikon is another great favicon generator online tool that allows you to create a favicon by uploading an image. Just upload your image, crop it and download it as .ico file.

#10. FavIcon.pro

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

FavIcon is a free online tool to create favicons. You can select sizes for favicons like 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128. Just select an image and hit on submit button then download your icon.

#11. faviconit

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

With faviconit, you can make favicons by uploading an image. Simply upload an image and convert it into a favicon. It comes with an advanced option where you can enter favicon name, favicon version and favicon folder.

#12. Antifavicon.com

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

Antifavicon is another favicon generator from text.

With it, you can create favicon from text with a different type of colours. To generate your favicon just type your text below and select colours. When you are ready click on Save as favicon file.

#13. faviconr

Best Free Favicon Generator Online

Just upload your image and hit on Generate favicon. It supports JPG, PNG, and GIF formats. Furthermore, if you want to create a transparent favicon, upload a transparent PNG or GIF file.

With these 13 favicon generators tools, you can create a good looking favicon for your website.

If I left your any favourite favicon generator, feel free to comment!

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